Welcome to Bennett Books Blog!
This blog is dedicated to nurturing, nourishing, and further developing a living legacy of work-on-oneself introduced into Western culture by George Ivanovich Gurdjieff at the opening of the twentieth century. It is a legacy of harmonious development, continuous education, ongoing practice, and lived experience in the many-faceted mystery of being human. Throughout the first half of the last century Gurdjieff intently lived this mystery with all who were drawn to him, able to bear his presence, receive his guidance, and willing to commit themselves to work in his laboratories.
John Godolphin Bennett and Elizabeth Mayall (Bennett) were two of many who answered the call. And this blog, in their name and dedicated to their memory, invites all who knew them to bring to it what they experienced through and with them.
But this blog is not limited to J.G. and Elizabeth Bennett’s students: it welcomes contributions from all who live, and continue to live, that lived experience of sincere work-on-oneself.
And of course this blog is the latest work of Bennett Books, a home business based in Santa Fe, New Mexico (USA) and focused since 1988 on publishing and distributing JG Bennett’s writings and talks – along with other material related to Gurdjieff and Fourth Way Tradition. The founder and current associates of Bennett Books studied with JG Bennett and Elizabeth Bennett in the 1970s.
Essentially, this blog is intended as an interactive meeting point for discussion and sharing. As you can read below we already started and more will follow!
Whether you agree or disagree with what is now or will be written here, your personal experience and contribution to this blog is welcome. So, please, keep exploring, reading and commenting (or contact us anytime). And be well!
Hello ~ I am a customer of Bennett Books and loved reading each book I ordered from you. Most recently, I ordered 2 copies of “It’s Up to Ourselves” (one for me and one for my big brother). I placed it atop my reading pile and can’t wait to open it. I was born in 1951 so didn’t have the opportunity to ever see Mr. Gurdjieff in-person. Nor did I meet the Bennetts. However! I’ve read everything I can get my hands on and thru reading my inner-work has been enriched by their work. Thanks a bunch for being a source for such remarkable books. Sincerely, Amy Arnaz — Boulder City, Nevada
I have found this Blog extremely interesting and useful. I was a member of a London Gurdjieff group in the 1980’s which was run by Rina Hands who was with Mr Gurdjieff in Paris in the late 1940’s ( the last 2 years of his life i think ) She did mention to me once that she was with Mr Bennett at some time, but that may have been at the National Coal Board ? I remember being given some amazing but very difficult exercises to do each week and then reporting back to the group – usually to say what a ” failure ” it had been, but the learning gained was phenomenal. I have since belonged to several other groups since then ( such as The London School of economic science ( Ouspensky type school ) and Krishnamurti ( which can be very theoretical and philosophical ) but i do miss the practicality of a Gurdjieff group. I am sure that this site will be a huge success and very useful to all those that read it. Good Luck !
Barry Croucher
Only recently, after many years of studying mystic, occult and magical books, systems and techniques have I finally got around to reading JG Bennet. Oh, how it might have saved me time and effort if I had begun with him. In any case, I an halfway through ‘The Sevenfold Work’ and it has me. One of those times when a book so perfectly aligns with one’s previous understanding that it is like drinking a glass of refreshing water. I am lovinf it and it is stirring in me growth, I hope.
I just finished a chapter and thought why not see if there are any Bennet groups in Santa Fe (where I reside). And lo and behold here you are (or were). Still around the neighborhood?