The Forgotten Language Of Children: An experiment in conscious living
In the sixties, a woman with a two-year-old daughter makes a U-turn in her life as single mother in New York City.
As her peers choose India as a destination, Lillian Firestone meets the Gurdjieff Work, stays in America, and allows her daughter’s development and education to become a living backdrop and stage upon which her own spiritual development unfolds.
This important book has many beautiful things to show-and-tell, not the least of which is a mother’s love for her child reflected through her own wish to work.
A mother who today has the commonsensical good judgment to use a child’s drawing of an elephant as the dominant cover image for her impeccably designed book.
More than a record of Gurdjieff and his Teaching’s love for children-being-allowed-to-choose-their-fullest-potential by adults who Work and care for them, The Forgotten Language of Children represents a new contribution to the literature of spiritual education and spiritual search.
Dear Lillian ~ I LOVED your book. I read one or two chapters every morning and couldn’t wait till I could pick it up again. I have worked with children as a ballet teacher for almost 40 years and found so much in common with your assessments of what went right/wrong in the Children’s Work. Also, I especially loved the comments you included from Mrs. De Salzmann. Priceless. I wish I could have spent just one hour in her circle. I wish I could have met her. I wondered if you ever saw Henry again after the incident? I hung on every word and don’t remember reading anything about him afterwards unless I fell asleep whilst reading! Thank you for a wonderful read and great photos. Oh… how I wish I could have experienced that. All the best ~ Amy in the Nevada Desert