Trade Paper – perfect bound • 346 pages with 8 pages 12-photo insert
“From these talks an overriding impression remains of Bennett’s certainty and authority in domains ordinarily supposed impenetrable.
“Some talks emphasize the converse: how little is really known. Some are experimental essays at communicating principles and methods of work involved in human transformation; others are near perfect five-finger exercises in creative thinking upon some well chosen theme. The arguments are clear, their reasoning cogent. Often it is obvious that Bennett is speaking directly from his own hard earned experience: he knows the pitfalls nearly everyone inevitably encounters and how to avoid or survive them and, eventually, transcend them.”_Ken Pledge, Editor
Sunday Talks is a uniqe collection of some of JG Bennett’s most creative thinking in 1965, when he returned to the practice of techniques he had learned from Gurdjieff and was still strongly influenced by his experiences of Subud on the preceding half-dozen years.
These Sunday workday “theme talks” cover an astonishing range of subjects from “true freedom” to the deceptively simple question of “why we have a body.” They were presented as a starting point for practical study, but they also provided, and continue to provide, inspiration for work and reflection. Each talk starts with a clear proposition that Bennett expands to a profound discourse and then, usually, brings back to a simple practical task, which his audience, and today’s reader, could use to help verify what he was saying.
J.G. Bennett=Author